Wednesday, September 18, 2013


There is no better way to cheer yourself up than to dress your pug up in whatever accessory you decide on wearing that day. Lola has no limitations, we have gone from Mexican dress up to stylish statement necklaces- this Pug has it all.

'Mexican Pug'

'Stylish Pug'

For those of you thinking that I am a nerd sitting at home dressing my pug up, you are mistaken! It just comes naturally to put things on Lola and photograph her, it’s definitely a pug thing, ask any fellow pug lover J  Lola absolutely loves the camera and she manages to create the most amazing facial expressions too!

Most of you that have been in Cape Town will know that this past winter has been exceptionally cold! Lola however has taken an extreme liking to her array of different jackets during this rainy season in order to keep warm.

She has also taken a liking to one or two of my beanies and hats J

This pug has got some serious #swag

As a result of my sister living abroad, it is essential that I send photos of Lola as often as possible. Bearing this in mind, for Valentine’s day this year I thought I would get a bit creative J I cut out a red cardboard heart and wrapped it around Lola’s face, she was extremely patient whilst I took photo after photo until I managed to get the ‘money shot’! Pug Rule #3 Pugs love to be loved, no matter what it entails!

'The Money Shot'
Hope err'body is having a PUG-SOME dayJ

Pug kisses

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