Friday, September 20, 2013

Pug Celebrations

With Lola's 3rd birthday looming (4 November) I thought it would be appropriate to post about her previous birthday 'party' and the activities that took place. You are all probably thinking that I have taken this one step too far, however I assure you it is very common to celebrate your pugs birthday in the world of pug owners and lovers. Here is some photo evidence, just to prove I am not the only 'insane' pug lover out there JJ

Now that we have dealt with the 'possibility I might be crazy' issue lets move on to the birthday party. Lola's birthday was of particular importance this year as it was the first year her real mom (my sister) was overseas. So in preparation I decided to create a little cone birthday hat made out of card and on it I wrote 'Happy Birthday Lola' and a big 2 on the front. I then decorated it by drawing some balloons, a couple hearts and colouring in the letters. I made two small holes on each side and tied some string to each hole, which was later going to be used to tie the birthday hat onto Lola's head. Once I had exhausted my creative capabilities I decided to go get her cupcakes for the special occasion!! Upon return I gathered my family around, even managed to get my sister on Skype, and I strapped Lola's little hat on and placed the cupcakes on a plate in front of her. We all then made a big fuss of her- nothing new in her life- and 'celebrated' her birthday in true puggy style J

Now I know chocolate isn't good for dogs, but I allowed her to eat ONE cupcake in celebration of her birthday. She scoffed it up in no time at all! After this we took a couple photos, I mean whats a birthday without some photographic evidence JJ

Birthday Collage
Wrapped like a little present
This little pug is far too PUG-I-LICIOUS <3 I am looking so forward to seeing what her birthday brings this year!!

Have a PUG-TASTIC day my puggy friends and remember Pugs poop rainbows (although I don't think my mom will agree with this one J)! 

They literally poop rainbows.

Pug Kisses

Thursday, September 19, 2013


For the past six months my mom and I have been contemplating getting another little puglet as a friend for Lola! You will only know this if you are a fellow pug lover, but you develop this need to create a pug family after taking the plunge of getting your first pug. Pug Rule #4 There is no such thing as only owning one pug in your lifetime! The PUG- ADDICTION had hit us and after a few days of research my mom decided to email South Africa Pug Rescue, explaining to them that she is looking for a young, black female pug as a friend for our current pug. The whole process went exceptionally quickly and it just seemed as if it was meant to be. Pug Rescue came to do a site inspection and were so ecstatic with the home they immediately allowed us to take ownership of our 7 month old little puglet. Dying to see her I drove through to my parents the very next morning. As I opened the door this tiny black ball came galloping towards me eyes almost popping out of her head, tongue so long it was practically dragging on the floor and a tail wound up so tight I couldn’t even see it! This was my first introduction to the newest PUG-ADDITION- Mila J

Look at that tongue!!!

Although Mila was not in the best condition when she arrived, having come from a previously abused home, my dad has managed to fatten her up in no time! So much so that we are now considering putting her on a diet, as she just scofs away at her food and then moves on to try sneak some from Lola J

Mila and Lola have become the best of friends, much to our cat’s displeasure, and they play all day and night. Mila has developed an obsession with slippers, making it impossible for you to walk anywhere in them. She also has a new found love of walking all over and licking your face in the mornings! All these things seem so annoying, but when she looks at you with that ridiculously cute face, tongue just slightly out, you cannot help but just laugh.

These two pugs live like princesses, with Lola twisting my mom’s arm and Mila my dad’s- they really do have the best of both worlds! 

Lola is still my #1 Pug, however Mila certainly has managed to creep deep into my heart!

That's all from the three of us! Have a UN-PUG-LIEVABLE day fellow pug lovers!
Pug kisses

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


There is no better way to cheer yourself up than to dress your pug up in whatever accessory you decide on wearing that day. Lola has no limitations, we have gone from Mexican dress up to stylish statement necklaces- this Pug has it all.

'Mexican Pug'

'Stylish Pug'

For those of you thinking that I am a nerd sitting at home dressing my pug up, you are mistaken! It just comes naturally to put things on Lola and photograph her, it’s definitely a pug thing, ask any fellow pug lover J  Lola absolutely loves the camera and she manages to create the most amazing facial expressions too!

Most of you that have been in Cape Town will know that this past winter has been exceptionally cold! Lola however has taken an extreme liking to her array of different jackets during this rainy season in order to keep warm.

She has also taken a liking to one or two of my beanies and hats J

This pug has got some serious #swag

As a result of my sister living abroad, it is essential that I send photos of Lola as often as possible. Bearing this in mind, for Valentine’s day this year I thought I would get a bit creative J I cut out a red cardboard heart and wrapped it around Lola’s face, she was extremely patient whilst I took photo after photo until I managed to get the ‘money shot’! Pug Rule #3 Pugs love to be loved, no matter what it entails!

'The Money Shot'
Hope err'body is having a PUG-SOME dayJ

Pug kisses

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Spider Pug

I have always been a relatively active person, riding horses, playing netball, running and hiking and Lola has always shown a great interest in partaking in these activities. Whether it is stealing grass from the horse’s mouths or attempting to trip you whilst trying to run, she is always front and centre of every fun activity you are partaking in. Pug Rule #1 Pugs own you! There is nothing we do nowadays that does not involve Lola, including trips to the grocery store! She has a great love for the car, especially ‘driving’ (well sitting on your lap and putting her paws on the steering wheel) J

Sunbathing in the car

 However these activities do not always have to involve humans. . . BIRDS are Lola’s second best creatures to play games with. She will run up and down the garden for days thinking that she will definitely catch the next bird that flies by- she also has a few blonde moments mistaking airplanes and cable cars for birds during our hiking expeditions 

Chasing her own tail is also one of her favourite PUG-TIVITIES! Lola has picked up a certain liking to the word ‘bird’ and to my mom’s laugh! If either of these two events occur she starts barking and spinning around trying to catch her tail, it’s incredibly amusing for us to watch. Often when she stops spinning you can actually see how physically dizzy she is, so she starts spinning the other way almost as if she is correcting herself 

'Lola trying to catch my attention during a Skype call'

About two years ago my sister and I began including Lola in our hiking adventures. This year alone she has managed to make it to the summit of Lions Head FIVE times- that is more than I can say for some humans! This pug is incredibly agile on the mountain and this is where her hiking name arose- ‘SPIDER PUG’! Most people we come across when hiking are amazed that she can even make it half way up, but it helps keep her physically fit and she absolutely loves it. Pug Rule #2 Pugs are fearless! 

That is all from Lola and I today, hope you all having a PUG-ER-RIF-IC day!!

Pug kisses